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Toys 'R' Us released a statement explaining its stores began carrying 'both of these dolls in Spring 2013 and have received no significant negative feedback over the course of the past year. The truth is, when a child points out the body part that she doesn’t have, all a parent is required to do is call it by its name.” incorrectness on other scores, Persuasion actually doesn't go after gays. See daddies and twinks, grandpas and matures, college guys and oldsters fucking at. “Because that’s what it sounds like when people say that it’s wrong for little girls to see it. Though she concedes that in the movies younger girls rarely hit on older women. Our old and young porn videos are the hottest youll find online. “How on earth is it inappropriate for a child to see a naked baby? What about a baby makes a penis or a vulva dirty or sexual?” Beyer wrote. Beyer wrote that she just doesn’t think the doll is such a big deal. The doll’s polarizing effect has sparked a conversation about how parents talk with their children about body parts. The company makes me sick.” Anatomically correct: Some parents got a little more than they bargained for with this baby boy doll. “These (are) little girls that don’t need to know the anatomy.” Writer Monica Beyer of spotted emotional comments in response to the mom’s Facebook post, including one that said, “Little girls should not be shown that on dolls.

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One New Jersey mother reportedly shared - and later removed - a photo of the diaperless boy doll she had bought for her daughter.

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